Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Back!

Where were we?

Last Friday I had just put up my post for Saturday and was fiddling around with a new header and background color when the power went out. And the phones. And, of course, the Internet.

Our power came back on yesterday afternoon -- Wednesday -- and this morning, Santa came early with restored phone service and, just an hour ago, Internet connection!

I'm hurrying to catch up -- while roasting the turkey we would have had at a small dinner party last Friday -- (the turkey's been buried in snow and has kept well) and doing a little cooking for tomorrow's feast.

So, I've adjusted the background color and fixed, I hope, the link to the web album.

The thing is, there's the possibility of an ice storm this evening and I may be missing in action again. I hope to do another post -- I've got some great pictures -- later today. But, if I don't get back for a while -- let me just wish everyone a Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever greeting of the season suits your fancy.

I missed you all!

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Liz said...

Hi Vicki - We missed you! I spoke with Chuck D yesterday - he got his power back Monday and he's been scraping our road ever since. I can't believe you got 18 inches! Have a very Merry Christmas! Lots of good wishes to John and the kids (and dogs).
P.S. it was lonely here in cyber space without you

Vicki Lane said...

Hey, Liz! Well, it was some snow! Lots of snapped branches and downed power poles.

Of course, you know all about snow up there in the Chicago area . . .

Merry, merry!

Carol Murdock said...

Lord Vicki I've been worried sick about you! Tried to call, no answer.
Pat has been keeping me posted as her son is a NCHP in your area.I have also been reading the ACTimes.
Of course I wasn't too worried as I know you have been here, done this, before and are prepared! I just missed you like the dickens! :)

Vicki Lane said...

Hey, Carol! Yep, we have a wood cook stove as well as two wood heaters -- and we really were pretty well prepared. As John said, if we could just get wood-fired Internet . . .

Pat in east TN said...

GLAD to have you back Vicki ... it was bad here, but you had it much worse over there!! My inside source kept me informed ... LOL!

Vicki Lane said...

Tell that inside source to be careful on our icy roads -- and thank him for all he does. Our Highway Patrol guys do an awesome job -- as do the crews who worked in the worst conditions to get the power back on.

Victoria said...

So HAPPY you're back! :} Isn't it a silver lining when the power goes out to have snow that you can store your frozen goods in? I've had to do that a few times myself.

A Merry Christmas to you and all of your loved ones!

P.S. Love the new look of your blog!

KarenB said...

I missed you too! I was hoping that it was weather related and nothing serious. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Vicki Lane said...

Oh, yes, Victoria -- we made full use of Nature's ice box!

We're warm and healthy and happy, Karen! A charming Christmas Eve -- with light and warmth and music!

Anonymous said...

Missed you too; glad to hear that power was the problem, not illness or any other disasters I imagined.

Know you're glad to have your power back. We had no water for a week late fall due to the tremendous floods in our area--21" of rain in a single day. Nothing like being without a basic to remind us to appreciate what we often take for granted.

Thanks for the wonderful snow pictures; it's the closest we'll come to a white Christmas in Georgia.

Lynne in GA

Vicki Lane said...

Absolutely, Lynne -- just turning on the hot water is a bit of a miracle!

Merisi said...

Dear Vicki,
I am so sorry to hear that you have been without power for such a long time! I remember well how desperately cold it gets and how one longs for some warmth and something warm to eat when this goes on for days. I hope the ice storm passes without any other power outage!
May your Christmas be filled with warmth and light around you,

Martin said...

So glad you're back.

Best wishes.

maría cecilia said...

Dear Vicki, that´s a lot of snow, my gosh!!! News here tell there`s one of the most cold, snowy and stormy years in the U.S., and that it is lots of struggle out there... hope you are fine, warm and safe!!!
I love your new purple color!!!
Wishing you the sun comes out soon!!
Maria Cecilia

Helen in SC said...

I discovered how addicted I am to your blog. I was concerned but knew that snow was in the NC mountains and I was a bit jealous thinking how beautiful it would be. I'm glad you had a good Christmas, here in the SC Upstate it just rained, but the day was wonderful.

Vicki Lane said...

Hi, Merisi -- the ice storm missed us and we were fully powered for Christmas Day! Warmth and light abounded -- as did food and friends!

Happy Boxing Day, Martin! We have a Brit friend living nearby and will be heading off to his house this afternoon to eat mince pies and drink eggnog.

We are warm and snug now, Maria Cecilia -- but when the power was off I did think how nice it would be to step into summer at your Dulce Casa Hogar.

It was gorgeous, Helen, but very bad news for travelers. We had a nephew and his wife and two year old stranded and unable to get up Old Fort Mountain. They finally made it to a motel after hours of waiting and back to Asheville the next day only to discover the power off at their house. Fortunately, our niece-in-law's dad lives nearby and he had power . . .