Monday, September 7, 2015

Layla Comes Home At Last

Our friend Vic, who lives on a boat part of the year on the coast of NC and part of the year in the Bahamas, was working on his boat in a NC marina when this friendly dog showed up and instantly won his heart. Another fella at the marina said he knew who she belonged to and quickly took her back home.

When he returned, he was shaking his head. Her owners had loaded her up and taken her directly to the animal shelter.

Vic pondered for a day or two. Then he decided to swing by the shelter and see if she had been adopted. She hadn't and he took the picture above and sent out an email to all his friends, asking if someone would adopt Layla as the logistics of a large dog on his boat just didn't work. He would pay the adoption fee and deliver her if someone would just give her a home. The shelter had said that they were full up and couldn't hold her. 

The story was so compelling that I didn't even look at the pictures he attached. I asked John and we emailed Vic to say we'd take her. And after some bureaucratic wrangling, Vic adopted Layla. He said she jumped in his truck and laid her head on his knee at once.

But he couldn't take her to his boat -- she is just too big to lift on and off a boat. And he couldn't get away just then as his son was visiting from Iowa. So he enlisted the help of his friends Mike and Jeannie to keep Layla a few days.

Then Vic's son Noel offered to bring Layla to us on his way (more or less) back to Iowa.  And yesterday afternoon we met her!

She's a beauty -- a 3 year old, spayed Boxer/Great Dane mix. I think she really thought she'd found her guy with Vic -- but then she was with Mike and Jeannie and then with Noel for a long ride -- poor girl had to be confused. But she seems happy to be here and I hope she'll soon believe that this is her forever home.

John and Noel let her investigate all the great smells in our entry yard. . .

She and Bob made friends right away . . .

I think she and John both look pretty happy. 

She seems well trained -- sits and lies down on command and responds to NO.

Layla and Bob played hard all afternoon. Willa and the cats went to ground in the back of the house but I expected this. We'll take the rest of the introductions slow and cautious. (Willa hated Bob too when he arrived.)

Let the spoiling begin!


Victoria said...

Layla is gorgeous! I'm so glad she has found her forever home with you.

Ms. A said...

Glad she has a forever home... with a softie. She's beautiful!

Unknown said...

The progression of your pictures from Layla "behind bars" to her in your home taking over your couch was so touching. I am pretty sure she ended up where she belongs. Thanks for adopting her.

Anvilcloud said...

Here's to happiness for both of you. All of you.

Unknown said...

You have such a huge heart!! I volunteer at a shelter here in Cocke County and it is heartbreaking to see all the dogs and cats found or surrendered. We have a kind, wealthy soul who is paying the adoption fee for all kittens/cats so they are free right now (come on down to Newport TN Animal Shelter). We have a rolling rescue that takes 40-60 dogs to out of state partners a couple of times a month, usually adopted before they get to their destination or within a few days. But still more and more come. Thank you so much for adopting Layla. She is beautiful.

Jime said...

Happy endings are the best. This one is generous and happy

Kath said...

God Bless you!! The critters who find us are our Forever Hearts!

Barbara Rogers said...

This is a great story for the many animals which haven't yet been a generous person did make the effort to find the right home for Layla...and isn't she a beautiful soul!

KarenB said...

What a big beautiful dog! And how lucky she is to come to you!

Vicki, Buck and Magic said...

Awww!! So happy this worked out the way it did! Vicki, you and John are very special folks and I know Vic is just happy that Layla has landed in a forever home!! Best of luck as you continue the transition into everyone's hearts in your home.

Suz said...

Sigh, every stray dog could write a novel. I am grateful you have a merciful heart and room for such a handsome dog. Felines seem to grace my door........I love Vic....what a man.....and bless you and john

Frances said...

Vicki, this is such a sweet ending to a very twisty turny time for that dear Layla. Bravo to Vic for rising to the occasion and to everyone else involved in this marvelous rescue.

I like the notion of former new boy Bob now showing Layla the places with the specially good smells.

(I also really enjoyed finding out the answer to the question of how the cows crossed the road.) xo

Deanna said...

It looks to me like Layla is going to fit in just fine. What a pretty name for a sweet, lucky dog. Love your huge heart. Deanna

Pepper Cory said...

Heaving a sigh of relief and leaking a few tears-so glad she made it to you guys. God bless.

NCmountainwoman said...

Beautiful story, Vicki. It warms my soul.

Stella Jones said...

Well Layla is a very lucky girl! Like cats they choose their owners but the owners don't always have the right accommodation.
There is a new cat in my neighbourhood and he's spending a lot of time in my garden lately. hmmmm!?

Carol Crump Bryner said...

You are good folks, that's for sure.

dannie said...

There is something very special about folks like you who offer their homes to rescues. I hope everyone adjusts well, especially Queen Willa.

L. D. said...

It is such a great thing that you have done for both the dog and also for yourselves. We took in a shelter dog and we are so grateful of all the things that dog still gives us today.

Mary Maupin said...

Big, and pretty, dog. And very sweet story.

Thérèse said...

What can I say? The pictures and yours words say it all.
Such a happy end as well as such a happy beginning!

Anonymous said...

Oh Vicki, you and John have hearts as big as the sky. I have tears in my eyes.
Deana the Queena