Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Shameless Haiku - Magpie Tales

"Of course," said the English professor, "flowers are nothing more than sexual organs.  Remember this in your study of poetry." (Emory University, 1960.)


Daffodil trumpets
Blare . . . blatant they sing,
Come and ravish me . . .

Flaring bright signals,
 Seductive sirens of Spring,
Lure an early bee,

Who, bumbling, plunges,
Blind obedience humming
To April's decree.

Go HERE for more Magpie Tales

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Catalyst said...

Oh, Vicki, haiku in the hills! What a wonder!

Bernie said...

Brilliant.......:-) Hugs

Jean Baardsen said...

Today, I'll view my daffodils in a different light! Lovely.

Enchanted Oak said...

Very delicious and I am glad it was "shameless."

Tess Kincaid said...

Ravish, plunges...ooo...hot with spring fever!

joanna said...


Interesting -- mine are drunk or I prefer intoxicated by their own perfume -- and yours well are unabashedly strutting their stuff.

Very beautifully written -- it just may turn into a classic piece.


Jennifer said...

Oh lucky bee. Beautiful Vicki.

(Re: the professor quote - no wonder Wordsworth was in heaven!)

tori said...

I need a cold shower...love it!

Angie Muresan said...

I am in awe. So much in such few words. You are a true poet, Vicki. To come up with something like that, I would need hours upon hours and still fall short.

Tipper said...

Now that I think about it-Daffodils are kinda forward little things : )

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Vicki, I love daffodils. We're still in Florida and I know I must be missing my tulips and daffodils that are blooming in the mountains.

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, folks! Those shameless huzzies are everywhere just now -- undulating in the winds.

steviewren said...

"Daffodil trumpets blare...blatant they sing, Come and ravish me"....love that line!

Martin said...

Spring has sprung with this post, Vicki. It's been pretty bleak over here today, but your words and pictures are a great antidote to the grey chill.

spacedlaw said...

Absolutely. Brilliant<!

Unspoken said...

Perfect! Love the quote you started it with. Nicely done.

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks you all! I'm trying to get around to visit everyone this evening.

Vagabonde said...

Every year I wished I had planted daffodils in the yard then I forget. I need to remember next time. Your haiku is ravishing, just like the flower.

rel said...

A daffodil koo of the highest order.

Kathryn Stripling Byer said...

Hey Vicki, great sounds here---the shudder vowel-uh, and the high pitched "e"--what a ravishing way of sounding out the energy of spring, shivering and squealing like a nymph on the run. Or not.
My daffodils are not in bloom yet. Oh well....they will be soon.

Pete Goulding said...

I've always avoided haiku - thought they were too short - but three together with the rhyming pattern too - that's quite a revelation!
Your ability to write effortlessly in so many different genres never ceases to amaze, Vicki.

Teri said...

Vicki--I love your take on this! I love your blog and the fact that you are teaching a class in NC! Love that state. My Dad lived in Asheville. Visited twice. Could live there, really! Maybe some day I can take a class from you. Great stuff. I am going to come back. It's hard to read all the submissions, isn't it! I try to get to everyone but sometimes life just gets in the way.

Vicki Lane said...

Vagabonde -- Daffodils are the most rewarding of the bulbs. Voles and mice eat tulip bulbs and hyacinths are iffy but daffodils bloom and multiply. Order some bulbs now to plant in the fall -- you won't be sorry!

Koo koo, koo choo, Rel!

Thanks, Kay -- I just haven't the time to polish -- but couldn't think of any approach to the daff except haiku.

Thank you, Peter! Some of the rhymes were inadvertent and then I saw they were there and tweaked it a bit more.

Thanks, Teri -- Asheville's a terrific place -- as is all of western NC!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Utterly shameless daffodils... love it!

Lisa said...

fan-frickin-tastic. I loved it. It was playful and evoked many levels of imagery. :) Bravo.

Eric S. said...

Kudos, Kudos, to those "shameless Hussies", LOL. I loved it the fun and frisky spirit.

Victoria said...

This was wonderfully inventive, I really liked it! Beautiful photos, too!

Vicki Lane said...

Cat Lady, Lisa, Eric, and Victoria -- Many thanks for the kind words!

Victoria -- the first photo is Willow's, not mine -- though I did tweak the saturation a tad.

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

Great Haiku... love this, very clever take on the photo prompt.

Krunal said...

oh...i love the music....

Brian Miller said...

beautiful haiku! and quite the interesting take on the prompt...steamy!

Aoife.Troxel said...

Very interesting take on the prompt, but true.

(word verification: manled, as in man led to daffodils like they were a woman hehe)