Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One Key

A response to the picture prompt from Magpie Tales . . .
with apologies for where my mind has taken me . . .

The old candy man swore
The weight was true
In spite of the missing chip.

The buyer shrugged,
And put down his cash,
Eager for the trip.


One key of cocaine,
Ain't asking for more,
Just lay down the line
And open the door . . .
Oh, ain't that fine!
One key of cocaine . . .
Now watch me soar 
Oh, yeah, high flyin' . . .

One key of cocaine . . .
Lame dance; blind see . . .
Ho, ho, honey, take a whiff on me . . .

(Cue Leadbelly...)


key - drug slang for kilogram
Candy man - drug dealer

I was intending to evoke the drug culture of early 20th century USA -- thus the link to the Leadbelly song.

Admittedly, a casual user wouldn't have been purchasing such a large amount ... I'm using my poetic license here. 

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spacedlaw said...

A kilogram of cocaine is serious business! Some trip on a scale of the galaxy.

The Muse said...

my naïveté was profuse.
it took a moment or two...
before the resolution of the piece fell upon me.
now, i feel a strong urge to have an intervention :)


joanna said...


Your post never cease to amaze me -- you seem to be able to 'Reconcile Life's Painful Contradictions' and the underbelly of the 'raw beauty' of humanity.


Brian Miller said...

nice. i like your versatility from week to week. nicel done magpie...

Martin said...

Good post Vicki. I really like the Leadbelly reference.

Steve Capelin said...

Some candy! I'll have to pul out a lLeadbelly album (vinyl of course0 and have another listen.

Tess Kincaid said...

This is great, Vickie. I'll have to admit this theme crossed my mind, too. The Leadbelly cue at the end is perfect!

steviewren said...

Cue Leadbelly indeed!

Vicki Lane said...

Yeah, spacedlaw -- that's a major amount for cocaine. But he was going to share with friends . . .

To the Muse -- I do not now nor have I ever messed with Lady Caine ...

Thanks, Brian and Joanny! This prompt just wouldn't go anywhere else for me.

Hey, Martin, Littlehat, Willow and Stevie Wren - Leadbelly is one of our authentic American voices, IMHO

Catalyst said...

Leadbelly and the cocaine trail! Why Vicki I never woulda thunk it!

Tammy said...

Hi Vicki,
I do believe it's way past time for Spring to come to your mountain. ;-) (And maybe here too, I find myself humming the tune 'counting flowers on the wall' way too often.)

Reader Wil said...

I looked up with google who Leadbelly was and recognized one or two of his songs. I learnt something today! Thanks for your post and for your visit. Always wonderful to meet you!

Kat Mortensen said...

No apologies, Vicki! You go with the Muse, right? It was a cool trip—a safe one for a reader.

Vicki Lane said...

Why not, Catalyst?

Tammy, the only snow we have here is cold and white and falling from the sky. Trying hard to be cheerful but not tempted to resort to illegal substances. :-)

Reader Wil -- I thought this post might be challenging for my non US readers. Good for you for checking Google!

Thanks, Poetikat -- one must follow where inspiration leads!

Angie Muresan said...

Interesting how this prompt brings all sorts of things to mind. I like where you have taken it.

♥ Braja said...

Oh well done!! lol....very rolling and of course I see where the word "addiction" came from in your comment....:))

Uma Gowrishankar said...

Sorry Vicki, this totally escapes me. Hope I'll be able to relate to your next Magpie tale.

JeffScape said...

That's a lot of coke!

Leadbelly, Dylan, Cohen... seems the "local" blogs are hitting all the greats today. Now I need to find some Cash and Guthrie, and the trip will be complete!

amy said...

Amazing how one photograph can take us in so many different directions!

I can see the relationship, as weight/burden & addiction go hand in hand...

Jessie said...

i really liked where you took this. i couldn't go where you did, although the thought crossed my mind. i found this to be challenging...and i uh...i do live in the U.S.!!!

thanks for commenting on mine,

warm smiles,

Vicki Lane said...

Apologies if I was too obscure!

Key -- drug slang for kilogram

Candy man - drug dealer

I was intending to evoke the drug culture of early 20th century USA -- thus the link to the Leadbelly song.

Admittedly, a casual user wouldn't have been purchasing such a large amount ... I'm using my poetic license here.

christine said...

Very Clever writing and thank you for the explanation, I needed it!


Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, Angie and Braja!

Sorry, Uma -- I should have realized how obscure this would be to some. I've added a bit of a clarification on the post.

And thanks, Jeff, Amy, Jessie, and Christine! (glad the clarification helped!)

Everyday Goddess said...

Oh, is a kilo of cocaine a lot? ~wink~

Tom said...

to be honest i know nothing about cocaine or the metric system, so i'll take your word for it.

now to youtube to see what's all the fuss over leadbelly.

Pepper Cory said...

In the state of North Carolina, possession of one kilo of cocaine is punishable by 15 years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine--serious stuff!

Vicki Lane said...

I repeat: I do not now nor have I ever . . .

Jennifer said...

Another great magpie take Vicki.
What a trip.

Anonymous said...

Well Vicki I am an old lady, but got your story. I am a retired RN, worked as psych RN and almost went with drugs too. But as I am beginning to see in my writing, I lead toward the same type story. I do want to challenge myself along the way though. I love this project Willow suggested. Thanks for your visit.

rel said...

It's one thing to have the idea, quite another to make it work in a poem. And a Kilo of coke will get you richer sooner. ;)

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, Jennifer and rel!

Queen mother -- since I am working on the sixth of a series of novels, all about the same place and people, I like to wander around a bit in these prompts.

Kathryn Stripling Byer said...

Hi Vicki, good for you. I'm getting ready to post my Magpie response, although it's past deadline. Couldn't be helped with the health issues yesterday!

Tipper said...

I liked it-and it looks like everyone else did too. And I'm sure you already know I like Leadbelly : )

chiccoreal said...

We are definitely on the same tracks er, track I meant! How much is a kilo? I honestly cant figure out how much a hen weighs! Reminds me of Miami Vice. Were there cokeheads in the 60's? I thought coke most definitely an 80's drug of choice eg Studio 54. I'll have to ask Timothy Leary, but he's dead... (song Timothy Leary's dead by Moody Blues a quintessential 60's band that I love as I do your fine taste in writerly skills! Thanks Vicki!

Anonymous said...

Love the Leadbelly reference and your very original interpretation of the prompt. A kilo of Charlie would keep those of us so inclined going for a good long while....

I really liked this!!

Vicki Lane said...

Glad you're okay, Kay!

Leadbelly's an American treasure, Tipper!

Cocaine's been around a long time, Chicoreal. Sherlock Holmes and his 7% solution in the 1800's ... it was part of the Jazz Age in the Twenties . . . Take a Whiff on Me was written in 1934 . . .Nothing new under the sun, as they say . . .

Thanks, Selma! But I,myself, have never been so inclined . . . just as though I write about murders, I have never done one . . . :-)

Anonymous said...

A good take on the theme. I thought this one was a stumper, but it looks as though a number of us pulled through. Reminds me of the song, "The Candy Man"...
:) The Bach

martha said...

One K of Nose candy taken all at once 'd kill you strait away. Better share it wit Yo friends, man.

Excellent use of the prompt.

Vicki Lane said...

Yes, Bach, I was thinking of "The Candyman."

and Martha -- with that amount of white stuff, I began to remember a scene from a Cheech and Chong (more American treasures) involving a party and a spilled canister of Ajax powder cleanser . . .

Pete Goulding said...

Hi Vicki,
Impressed by your versatility! I think if you check the prompt there's some of that white stuff sitting on top of the weight there!

Vicki Lane said...

That's what I was thinking, Peter!

Hausfrau said...

Nice Leadbelly reference! Funny, I thought about drugs for this prompt, too, but went with shoplifting instead!