Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pretending There's No Snow

It's snowy and bitter cold here . . . and almost everywhere I turn in the blogworld, from Boone to Cullowhee to Missouri, from Ireland to Normandy to Vienna, from Turkey to England, snow is the hot (?) topic.

I'm ready to remind myself that it's not permanent . . . there will be Spring.

So I'm enjoying glimpses of warm days and fragrant flowers . . .

. . . telling myself how much more appreciative of the profligate beauties of Spring and Summer I'll be . . . after this cold, cold Winter.

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Martin said...

Thank you Vicki. This is so refreshing to see. Like many, I think I'm suffering from snow overload! So much more to look forward to....that isn't white.

maría cecilia said...

oh Vicki... be patient, spring is just around the corner my friend!!!
Warm hugs to you,
Maria Cecilia

Pat in east TN said...

Aaaaah, those pictures are lovely Vicki, and just what I needed!

The winter we have experienced so far, IMO, has been brutal, and setting all kinds of records over here, BUT after today/tonight they're saying we're back to more normal temperatures. I'm only hoping that the worst of our winter is behind us .....

Miss_Yves said...

Even in Normandy, snow is a hot (?)topic !
Itake more and more photos of the town and the country under this white blanket.
But it's difficult to work and to drive ..Last Friday, the schools were closed .
Lovely pictures of spring ...

Liz said...

Thanks, Vicki - just what the doctor ordered! Nothing lifts the spirit like nature's glory.

Vicki Lane said...

Of course, the snow is nature's glory too . . . (Gritting my teeth and trying to be appreciative as I watch the flakes float down)

Tammy said...

We have some relief in sight here too--I was actually singing in the subzero temps as I did chores this morning.. because I know something the critters don't! 'Warm' weather is on the way AND so far everyone is still alive! Man, it's been a mess.

Vicki Lane said...

So far, so good, Tammy! Won't we enjoy those balmy 30's!

Victoria said...

You want to see real sun? Come out here to Southern California, where we've seen nothing BUT the *#$&!!! sun since mid November. We desperately need rain and snow, and I would gladly send warm tempertures and sunny skys to those who want them if I could!

Vicki Lane said...

Good reminder, Victoria! This fine snow is going to make all those pretty flowers grow come Spring. And the freezing temps may take out a few noxious pests.

Let's hope the coming shift in the weather sends some precipitation your way!

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Oh Vicki - thank you!!!! JUST what I needed! beautiful.