Monday, October 6, 2014

Something Tells Me . . .

Your footsteps rang on the tile of the empty passageway as you strode toward the door at the other end.  You had traversed this hall many times but today, something was different. . . colors came and went and edges blurred . . . sounds began to slow . . .

  It seemed you had been walking down the hall for a very long time but at last you were almost at the door. It waited, pulsing in time with your own heartbeat,

 And when you went outside, reality lurched and shifted. You knew, with a chilling finality, that nothing would ever be the same again.

Messing around with some pictures and this happened.  Who can say where ideas come from?


Thérèse said...

"Power of now"

Ms. A said...

You can tell you don't waste your brain... it's full of all kinds of things!

katy gilmore said...

How ominous was that! I just read this little article about a young woman (33) who had a stroke - I feel like you illustrated her narrative!

Kath said...

While your photos are always amazing, your words are just plain powerful!

Barbara Rogers said...

Pack Library will never be the same for me now! I'll expect red skies when I go out the doorway!

Inger said...

It comes from a creative and imaginative mind. Wow!

Jime said...

Wow, love that infrared effect. Sure can spice a story up with surreal colors and textures. The words of course from a master

Brian Miller said...

heh psychedelic...and def could conjure a story out of those pics....