Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Discipline in the Home is the Linchpin of Order



Anvilcloud said...


Marcia said...

Which dog is that? Do the others follow its lead?

Barbara Rogers said...

Shame on you, Jenny! (I think it's her) And Down Dog! ??

Vicki Lane said...

That is, indeed, Jenny. Bob would never do such a thing, nor, I think, would Bailey. As Border Collies, they have some sense of right and wrong. Jenny, on the other hand, is a hound and does as she pleases. In this case, she pleases to look out the window.

Sandra Parshall said...

As long as she doesn't knock anything off... Or does she?

Janna Zonder said...

It's the view! Isn't that why people move to the mountains?

Vicki Lane said...

She doesn't knock things off. However, I absolutely canNOT put food on the table and leave it unattended while I go back to the kitchen. Learned that the hard way when she ate my salad. (She does not try to get on the table when we are eating.)

jennyfreckles said...

A good vantage point, though I'm sure there are others more acceptable to the hoomans.