Saturday, July 22, 2023

Last Year's Butterflies

Alas, the butterfly bushes were hit by a late freeze and killed back to the roots. They have put forth shoots but there are no blooms. These are pictures from last year.

Not too many butterflies this year either, in spite of lots of blooms on other plants.

The canary in the coal mine is already dead and mankind is paying the price for its blind greed.



Barbara Rogers said...

It's a sad life we're beginning to know about, though we've been living it kind of blind for years. If only...

Anvilcloud said...

Yet, people still moan and groan about whatever costs are involved in tying to fix the problem.

JJM said...

I've also noticed how few fireflies there are at night, now. And it's been ages since I've seen a blue jay or a ladybug. And I don't think it's because I don't go outside all that much nowadays. :(

Sandra Parshall said...

Our butterfly bushes are blooming gloriously, but we have seen exactly one swallowtail this summer. Not long ago, our yard was filled with butterflies of all varieties. The butterfly bushes were covered with them. We never use poison in our yard, so we aren't killing them. But they're disappearing.

Vicki Lane said...

I was excited to see today, a yellow swallowtail and a spicebush swt! We may have had a late hatch.