I found this list of rules (or as Josie spells it rools) taped to the bannisters at the top of the stairs. I was puzzled at first then remembered that Josie had spent much of the last snow day playing with her dolls in the comparative warmth up there. There was a lot of talking but not that I could follow.
Now I deduce that she was holding school, and the rules were for her four scholars. Good rules too:
1. Raise your hand.
2. Hands to yourself.
3. No name calling
4. Follow directions.
5. Have fun (in a kind way.)
6. Use manners.
I further deduced that Dolly and Sophy were very good, and Summer was very naughty while Lily got mixed reviews.
And I deduce that Josie is in good hands at her own school, if she is following her own teacher's example.
She has certainly absorbed the message.
Thanks so much for posting, Vicki. I need your words and images every morning . You are an anchor to me after reading morning news of the new depths our new king has taken us overnight. Then there is Josie to set the world straight.
I hope to see some paintings of icicles shining in the morning light soon.
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