Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Traditional Tree

The cranberry/popcorn string, the candy canes, the icicles, the red bows and glass balls. . .

The angel I made from a kit some forty years ago. . .

The crocheted snowflakes from Lillian Vernon (is that mail order business still around?)

A heart Justin made in second grade . . .

And a tree from Josie's kindergarten days . . .

John made this Santa almost fifty years ago when we decorated a tree at my grandparent's house. . .

And a mama and baby pig--just one of my many "favorite" ornaments.

It's taken me several days, but The Tree is done! (Josie helped on one of the days.)



Anvilcloud said...

The oddments of our trees come together so very well.

Barbara Rogers said...

And so each year your trees carry forward loving memories!

Marcia said...

It's lovely. I remember Lillian Vernon catalog. I too got Christmas decor from her. Haven't seen it in years.