Sunday, December 29, 2024

Gingerbread Cake and Cranberry Coulis

An excellent dessert, leftover from the Christmas feast. A moist gingerbread cake topped with a cranberry coulis and accompanied by homemade cinnamon ice cream--all the work of my DIL Aileen.




Sandra Parshall said...

I loved homemade ice cream as a kid. We lived near peach orchards and could get lots of very ripe fruit for making home-churned ice cream. I remember peeling the fruit and cutting into chunks. Peach is still my favorite ice cream flavor.

Barbara Rogers said...

Yay, I learned a new word! Old dog here is still interested in new tricks. Coulis hadn't hit me before, but definitely sounds like a good idea in culinary terms. And home made ice cream too and gingerbread! Heavenly!