Monday, December 9, 2024

Christmas Card Production Line


It might seem tedious to some--there are forty to do- but as I work, I keep finding different ways of doing things and small improvements to add or to speed up the process. Plus, the watercolor hues shift about and keep me entertained.

I think of these as celebrating the Winter Solstice but after staring at them a while, decided to add a sprig of holly on the stag's horns as a nod to traditional Christmas.


jennyfreckles said...

Your recipients will be delighted to receive a beautiful hand-made card.

Anvilcloud said...

I can why that activity would be joyful and meaningful. It's one that I don't think can be rushed in the rushing season.

Barbara Rogers said...

These are going to be treasured by the recipients. I bought stamps and cards, then remembered my shaky hands make it difficult to write, so addressing envelopes would be most unpleasant. So glad you're continuing with your art!

Sandra Parshall said...

Very much appreciated by everyone who receives them, I'm sure.

Marcia said...

I have been working on sending cards out to this day. I made the cards last month, addressed the envelopes two weeks ago, now it's the final inside greetings.

Vicki Lane said...

Marcia has the right idea. I should have started earlier. But it's still a pleasant, meditative occupation. And I listen to audiobooks while I'm doing it.