Sunday, August 18, 2019

Once and Future Veg

The label disappeared -- maybe Nancy, who gave me the start of this dramatic tomato knows what it is. 

They aren't quite ripe yet but I'm looking forward to finding out what they taste like.

Jalapenos ripening . . .

Promise of another eggplant . . .

My cilantro, as is its wont, went to seed rapidly. And did some self-seeding.

I'm really enjoying my little porch garden. Next week, I think,Josie and I will harvest the purple potatoes.


Barbara Rogers said...

Oh, I also have many cilantro seeds. Must try growing more! You have lovely looking plants!

Anvilcloud said...

It is rather exotic.

Thérèse said...

A kind of Black Crimea? The darker the better like for chocolate.

Vicki Lane said...

I'm sure they're related -- but that wasn't the name. Cosmic something, perhaps.

NCmountainwoman said...

The recent storms and hail did quite a number on my little porch herb garden. But I think we will have enough to use for our cooking. Probably not enough basil for pesto this year, though.