Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I was puzzled by mention of a metadata survey I must have ready for the publisher by the end of September. the online definition-- "a set of data that gives information about other data"-- didn't clear it up much but a look at the actual survey told the story. 

They want information about my past publishing history, my plans to travel promoting the coming book, my bio, successful books from the past five years that I think have similarities to my book, a one sentence pitch, a couple of paragraphs of back cover copy, (these last two are fiendishly difficult stuff that I often assign to folks in my writing classes. I feel their pain . . .)  

I took advantage of a quiet yesterday to make major inroads on this survey. Yes, it's a month away that it's due, but my classes begin mid September-- just at the time I'll be getting the first round of edits on the novel which I will have to deal with, along with editing sixty pages a week for the folks in my class.  And taking care of Josie two or three days a week. Do-able but right now is the time to get this metadata thing out of the way.

My eyes are crossing . . .


Barbara Rogers said...

September is already filling up for me too! Have fun with all that you've got going...and don't forget to enjoy the roses (er flowers)

KarenB said...

If you plan to travel to the NY/Philly area, I can promise a VERY inexpensive place to stay with good home cooking! And a chauffeur to ferry you to events!

Vicki Lane said...

Karen, how lovely of you! Should the occasion arise, I'll certainly take you up on it.

NCmountainwoman said...

It's a pain, I am sure. But it's a step closer to seeing the book published. I can't wait.

Anvilcloud said...

Heather (Tucker) hasn’t mentioned going through this, but she doesn’t tell us everything.

Vicki Lane said...

She may have been with a larger publishing house. I didn't have to do quite this much when I was with Random House.

Nan Emanuel said...

As they say, "give it to a busy person, and the task will get done". I'm enjoying hearing the ins and outs of your regional publishing-house journey. Don't forget to squeeze in a few moments to enjoy the last days of summer. (despite all the rain we've had, your flowers were so beautiful this year!)