Monday, May 9, 2016

Post Mothers' Day Daze

What a perfect Mothers Day!  Yard work . . . lots of mulching and pruning . . . and delectable shrimp salad sandwiches for lunch . . .

A phone chat with my eldest in Atlanta... more weeding and pruning and massive amounts of grapevine pulled free and taken to the burn pile . . . gourmet brie and beef burgers for supper. . . bubbly and limoncello . . .

This is my idea of perfect bliss . . . no corsages, no brunch at a restaurant . . . just enjoying the day outside and someone else fixing meals (and delicious ones at that!)

I am so blessed!


Ms. A said...

Nice to hear you enjoyed it!

Frances said...

Vicki, your day does sound rather wonderful.

Hope it's not too late to let you know how much I loved that previous herd post. xo

katy gilmore said...

Oh those chats are the best! And you whole day sounds perfect!

jennyfreckles said...

Sounds perfect to me.

Anvilcloud said...

Nice series of photos that fit together nicely.