Deborah Crombie's No Mark Upon Her kept me up way past my bedtime. The latest entry in the on-going saga of Gemma James and Duncan Kincaid is another winner from this talented author who writes what I think of as police procedurals with heart... and with intricate plots that keep me turning pages and guessing.
I've raved about Deb's books before (HERE.) They are set in the UK and move about a bit, giving an Anglophile like me a peek at different parts of the culture -- distilleries in Scotland, London's East End, Glastonbury , Cambridge, the Yorkshire moors . . .
This one is set in Henley and there's quite a lot about the sport of rowing -- an Olympic hopeful for the single sculls is murdered . . . I found myself Googling to find out more about rowing and its traditions. Crombie describes the allure and the mystique so compellingly that I found myself wishing I'd been introduced to this sport many years ago,
There's beautiful description, sharply drawn characters, psychological suspense, the pleasant details of Duncan and Gemma's family life, and a plot that twists and turn. But wait, there's more!

There are also dogs! Some very nice SAR dogs (Search and Rescue dogs) play an important part in the story (and sent me Googling again.)
This is a wonderful read -- if you're new to the series, don't worry; this book can stand alone. And I'll bet that after reading it, you'll want to go back and explore the others.
(Disclaimer: I bought this book myself. This recommendation was not solicited.)
Girl, if books had calories, you'd be in big trouble!
I'm thinking I should be exhibiting a least a modicum of shame, for not having heard of Deborah Crombie, before now. But it's almost impossible to keep up. She's on my list now, though.
alright...i will check it out...dont know that i have read anything by her....
I will add my recommendation to Vicki's. The characters are so well drawn, complex and real, and the places so beautifully described. It is indeed a well written series although I haven't read this last entry yet.
I love Crombie's murder/mysteries. Thanks for a snippet about this latest one. I'm looking for it soon!
Ms. A -- and I don't talk about all the books I do read or reread. It's a life long addiction...
Martin, Deborah is a Texan -- though she was married to a Scot and lived in the UK for a time. I'd be interested to hear a Brit's take on her work.
I didn't mention all the awards this series has won but they are many. Crombie's web site list the books in order and tells a bit about each.
Search and Rescue dogs -- interesting. Always wondered how they were trained and treated -- barbara
Going to add her to my goodreads list. I am lagging behind here lately...not enough time in the day!
I wrote down her name for my next trip to the library. It may be a while as I find myself with a ton of books here that I have yet to read. But I'm an Anglophile too, so I am always looking for new British authors to read.
Vicki, I am another fan of this series, and will have to request this latest novel from my marvelous library
It really is an amazing library, heaven for all readers.
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