Monday, December 31, 2012

Closing Thoughts

Here at the end of the year, I'm happy to see a bit of sun . . .  and happier still to be walking, at least some of the time, without the cane.  I'm also chafing at the bit to get outside . . .

This period of invalidity has given me new and disturbing insights in what lies ahead . . . so many limitations.  In 2013, I'll turn 70 (if nothing don't happen) and while folks keep saying that 70 is the new 60, 50, 40,  and while I know it's just a number, the fact remains . . .

So I'll be making it my business to see and do and enjoy as much as I can . . . to work on what I hope will be my best book yet but to keep time for the other things that complete my life --  more time with friends and family, more photography, another garden. . .

As I pack away the Christmas decorations today, I'll be thinking ahead to blue skies and the coming year. May it be the best yet for all of us and for our beleaguered world.
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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Moons Past

We are back to the rain and snizzle and grey clouds all day. I am mining my archives for moon pictures ...

When the weather and my mobility allow, I'll set up the tripod a kind neighbor lent me and try to get a non-wobbly moon shot.

Until then, these will have to suffice.
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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Messages in the Snow

The sun shone yesterday morning

And I ventured out to find a dusting of snow

And lacy hieroglyphics everywhere

A kind of silent twitter.
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Friday, December 28, 2012

Grey . . . with Color

First of all, I want to give the answers to those Christmas riddles and conundrums I mentioned a few days ago . . .

"Successful  followers of the Atkins Diet" (hint -- it's a DVD)  This is the movie "Losers"

"From the closet of the King of Tarts" PyRex storage pieces

"Large domicile for canis lupus"  (hint -- a best selling book) Wolf Hall
"Mack lent his to Dinah after strumming on the ol' banjo" a kitchen knife (handmade by John)
"Made by some Yiddish-speaking molluscs while listening to Bach" (not a practical gift, this one)  a string of baroque pearls

This remarkable biography of Julia Child was almost un-put-downable (except for naps.) Julia, from childhood to old age, was always fascinating and she lived through some very interesting times.  I was an early (1963) fan and, like much of America, learned from her that there was more to 'cuisine' than casseroles with cream of mushroom soup. Highly recommended.

I'm still suffering from a bit of post-Christmas lethargy -- considering my physical limitations at the moment,sometimes napping seems the best choice. But there have been some small victories in my recovery -- I was able to trim the toenails of the operated-on leg yesterday -- not easy and still a bit of a stretch but progress, none the less.  And today, as I was doing a few small bits of tidying between kitchen and dining room, I suddenly realized I'd put my cane down and was  managing without it.

My home health physical therapist visited today and my ability to bend the knee is improving -- I had hit a 90 degree bend before I came home from the rehab center and a 100 a few days ago. Today the angle got to 110 (with a good bit of pushing and pulling.) Which is probably good enough for everyday function though the PT spoke of trying to attain a 120 . . .

It's been a month since surgery -- and though I'm really tired of being on the meds and falling asleep all the time, I'm attempting to be a patient patient.  

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Grey Day

A post-Christmas fog . . . the weather has been dark and rainy . . . and the house strangely quiet.  On Christmas Day there were eight humans for dinner and seven dogs milling about. But the young uns and their dogs left yesterday morning  . . .   and I spent yesterday reading and napping, unable to summon the energy to turn on the computer till after supper.  A timeless sort of day and a welcome hiatus.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Wish . . .

Hoping that your yesterday was full of love and laughter. . .
And that all your tomorrows will be good.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All!

From Pogo -- a comic strip of my youth -- the swamp denizens' immortal rendition of "Deck the Halls". . . sublime silliness . . .

Deck us all with Boston Charlie
Walla walla, Wash and Kalamazoo
Nora's freezing on the trolley
Swaller dollar, cauliflower,

Don't we know archaic barrel?
Lullaby, Lilla Bay, Louisville Lou 
Trolley Molly don't love Harold
Woola bulla, Pensacola, Hullabaloo!

And a Joyful Hullabaloo to all!

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Monday, December 24, 2012

The Guessing Game

The most grueling part of Christmas preparation is almost over --- the cards on the family gifts have been written.

The presents under the tree are for John and me, Ethan and Aileen, and Justin and Claui. Don't be fooled by the amount and the size of the boxes -- we tend to exchange very practical gifts and often ask for wish lists so we don't   give stuff no one wants.

Where's the fun in that? I hear you saying. 

The fun comes in the gift cards. Our tradition (which I gave to Elizabeth's family in IN A DARK SEASON) is to label the boxes with the recipient's name and a conundrum or a puzzle that tells what the present is.  If one can remember what one asked for, one has a better chance of guessing. But the creators of the riddles are there to give hints and they do.

The gifts are opened slowly, one at a time, as the riddles are guessed or revealed. And when you've guessed the meaning of "A left cross! And an upper jab!" that pair of socks is a bit more fun.

The following are on some of the labels under the tree --

"Successful  followers of the Atkins Diet" (hint -- it's a DVD)

"From the closet of the King of Tarts"

"Large domicile for canis lupus"  (hint -- a best selling book)

"Mack lent his to Dinah after strumming on the ol' banjo"

"Made by some Yiddish-speaking molluscs while listening to Bach" (not a practical gift, this one)

 Welcome to our silly, nerdy world.

 You are welcome to guess and I'll reveal the answers in the comments but ONLY after the family has had their Christmas mental exercise on Christmas Day.
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Apocalypse Averted

Whew! I can't tell you how angry I'd have been  if I'd spent the final weeks of the world recovering from knee surgery.  But it appears that we will blunder on a bit longer. Over the fiscal cliff? Maybe. Into a world of armed teachers and tots in body armor? Oh, I hope not.

The light is returning for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere -- may it illuminate our darkness and help us make a better world.

Meanwhile, in very local news: I cooked dinner tonight for the first time since my surgery -- Occupational Therapy at its best. Others did the dishes, I must admit. But, like the sun,  I'm on the comeback trail!
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