Friday, August 28, 2020

Kicking and Screaming (Internally,) into the Zoomosphere

My brain hurts. Last night was the first meeting of my online class via Zoom. Just after lunch I participated in an online session for those of us instructors new to Zoom, and I began to wonder if I could do this. Last semester we used Google Hangouts which was fairly simple (especially as one of my students was also an administrator of the program and she did all the signup and inviting for me) but one of my this term students had told me that Zoom worked better for him.

Endeavor to persevere, I told myself, and with the help of the above-mentioned administrator, managed to get into Zoom and formulate the invitation to the class. I realized that much of what the formal session was about (breakout rooms! Whiteboards! Etc.!) was stuff I wouldn't be using. I'm of the old school persuasion--a (virtual) log with the teacher on one end and the student on the other. 

Not quite ready to age out of the new technology. I even spent a little time trying out a recording of a Birdie story. It was interrupted by barking dogs. Also, while I can post a video to Facebook, I can't put one of any length on this blog. I guess I could upload it to YouTube and post the link. Anyway, I'm working on it. 


Anvilcloud said...

I have yet to Zoom. I can't think that I will ever need to.

KarenB said...

I've been both giving a class via zoom and taking a class via zoom. I have not used google hangouts, so I can't give a comparison, but I might be able to help with zoom stuff.

Barbara Rogers said...

I started with phone "facetime" a few years ago...never have skyped very much. But have been logging onto other's zoom rooms since March...just need to learn how to set one up. It's sort of fun staging the backgrounds...and then finding out what I look like because my house has poor lighting...the windows are tinted green, plus I have nothing but leaves outside them, so the lighting gives me a parlor of chartreuse. You look like you at least! Keep on catching up to the latest technology. It's how we're staying connected these days.

Vicki Lane said...

Once I got in and class started, things worked themselves out pretty well. Also at least one of my students is fluent in Zoom and can nudge me in the right direction.

Vicki Lane said...

BArb--yeah, those closeup shots are murder.They remind me forcibly that I really am an old lady.

Unknown said...

I am zooming all over the place since the pandemic became a danger to us all in America. However, during the last week some big changes were made in zoom. I couldn't get on my usual link for my Book Study because on August 15 they changed the requirement for the server. I am just a participant, know nothing about the "server," and just want to be able to be with my groups of friends and caregivers again. Persevere. I think you'll like it when Zoom gets itself straightened out. The world is suddenly Zooming which has been an overload on the system. I guess that is why the change in the server. The problem is not you, Vicki. What you need is a 12 year old neighbor to get you through the start-up.

Vicki Lane said...

Zoom ans other online platforms are the wave of the future. I suspect they'll continue to be important even when(if) the pandemic is gone. I know I enjoy not having to drive an hour to meet my classes. Also, there's a certain strange intimacy about Zoom that I'm liking.

jennyfreckles said...

We're Zooming our camera club meetings now. First 'proper' one tonight.. we'll see how it goes. Thankfully I'm not the one hosting the call. I have the same issue as Barbara as regards lighting. My study is dark and, with artificial lights on, I look very rosy, rather odd.

Junk Journal Penpals said...

Hmmm yes, we all have to embrace change at the moment, don't we! Larry has to use Zoom for his astronomy meetings and that took a bit of getting used to. Of course, he didn't have to set it up, which is the hardest part.
We had one quiz night with my middle son, who organised it and that was fun, but it does take a bit of getting used to, doesn't it.
Don't give up though. You will master it!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Well done! Keep on, don't give up! And have a grand weekend!

katy gilmore said...

You are clearly not aging out of the technology! Well done -- it is strangely so good to see faces even if they are pixels. Do all your students show their photos? My husband does a Zoom class where there are many, many blank rectangles speaking. Strange. But strange times.

Vicki Lane said...

They all show their faces. I'm glad not to be confronted with blank rectangles. Sometimes, however, I get just the top part of a head. Which is odd.

Maiasaura WinterHeart said...

I have never seen your face any other way, Vicki, and I think you are beautiful. I don't know how old you are, but older than me (60) and I hope to be as pretty when I am your age. I'm at that in-between stage of "aging" but not yet "old", and it's thus far a little disheartening. I think once I'm There, I'll be okay? At least I hope that's how it works.
I actually don't mind Zoom as a participant. You'll figure it out.
"Fluent in Zoom"... *giggle*... My mom is 83 and does Zoom church for her Episcopalian church. I'm Pagan and we had our first Zoom ritual for Lammas, which was way better than I thought it would be <3

Vicki Lane said...

Kind words, Maiasaura! I'm 77 (how did this happen!) and content to realize that I'm officially old. The aging process is, indeed, disconcerting and disheartening (why does everything take twice as long and where did that double chin come from?) But, considering the alternative . . .

Maiasaura WinterHeart said...

Double chin?? Oh no way, I refuse to have that.

And yeah, considering the alternative.

I can't wait to read your new book, btw. I *love* all the other ones!