Saturday, May 11, 2019

Yes, We're Still Here,--Thankyouverymuchforasking


Sandra Parshall said...

Great to see the kittehs again! Every time I see one of your Josie posts, I wonder where Cory and Angeline are.

Barbara Rogers said...

They remind me of my kittehs, one of whom loved to roll in her nip. They're such lovely critters, aren't they! Glad you had a post about them again.

NCmountainwoman said...

Yes, that child and the dogs do get more exposure than you two. But cats are supposed to be so independent it hardly should matter. Especially after the really cute kitten phase is over.

Junk Journal Penpals said...

They remind me of the Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp - always up to mischief!