Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Polar Vortex

Cold, cold, cold! I spent Monday with an afghan over my legs, a hot drink at my side-- listening to Persuasion and drawing and painting.

The power is still on; the water still running.


A kind of appropriate beginning to the next four years.

Circle the wagons; prepare your blanket forts. It's going to be rocky.


Anvilcloud said...

Thank goodness, the cold doesn’t last for 4 years.

Sandra Parshall said...

Our power is on, we have heat, and today our malfunctioning generator will be repaired. I am grateful for what we have and painfully aware that many are not as fortunate.

Barbara Rogers said...

You painted a lovely image with words describing yourself!

jennyfreckles said...

Oh my, it looks frigid there. I gather you're sending the weather our way too... Please don't send your new President along with it!

Vicki Lane said...

Alas, we're stuck with the orange felon.