Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Judy's House


I was delighted to have this picture pop up on Facebook--an old photo of Judy Shelton's cabin. I'd never seen a picture but it was much as I'd imagined--a two story log cabin. (I suspect that the sagging bit on the right was a later addition.)

 That cabin was the setting for several important scenes in my historical novel And the Crows Took Their Eyes. 

Nothing but the chimney remains of the place where the thirteen victims of the Shelton Laurel Massacre were held the night before their execution. Nothing but memories and ghosts.


Anvilcloud said...

Long may the chimney remain.

Marcia said...

I have my copy of your book and plan to read it again one day. Now I'll picture Judy's cabin as it's shown in that photo.

Barbara Rogers said...

That's fantastic, that your book's historic event now can bring the cabin to life in visuals too!

JJM said...

Such a haunting place ... and such a haunting book.