Tuesday, November 26, 2024

New Calfies!!!

 Last week brought us two new calves one day, a third the next, and, sadly, a still born on the next. It was a breech (hind feet first) presentation and things went wrong--a sad lesson for Josie about farm life.

But she dealt with it and is delighted with the three new heifers whom she has named Goldie, Luna, and Silky.

I could only get a picture of one as the others were out of range.

 But I did get a picture of this hardy little rose still blooming in our dooryard. It was a gift back in '76 or '77 from the lady whose farm this was. She propagated it by cutting a slip from her rose, sticking it in the ground and covering it with a glass jar.  And it's still going strong. 



Anvilcloud said...

That is quite the sudden addition. Too bad that it wasn't one more.

Barbara Rogers said...

Poor mama cow having a breech birth. At least it would seem more difficult, and the sad outcome as well. So glad there are three little calves to cavort about in the fields.

Marcia said...

Why didn't I know you raised cattle? A lot of that done around here. In fact front page story in local paper was of a guernsey cow that won top honors in Wisconsin recently. Farm is not far from here.