Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Josie and the Camels Next Door


                     💗💗😋💖💜           there are camels crossing.                                                     

the camel is saying hi.

the camel wants to eat my bow.

I like the camels.

the camels like me. I like to feed them.

These are Josie's words, and she did all the keyboarding. Her mama took the pictures.


Anonymous said...

What a great experience! Josie, you were a big hit with the camels!

Sandra Parshall said...

That was me commenting above. Google didn't want to recognize me.

Barbara Rogers said...

A big wow! Who'd have thunk it! Madison County NC now has camels...and thanks Josie and her mom for sharing them here. I wonder if they make any sounds. Looks like the dog behaved during the introduction too!

jennyfreckles said...

I'm pretty sure if I saw a camel in NC I'd think I was mad or drunk!