Sunday, February 11, 2024

Waiting for the Galactic Bus




Once again embarked on cleaning, de-accessioning, and generally bringing order to long-overlooked parts of the house, I've moved on to my workroom. Oh, boy, what a challenge! All my various past enthusiasms have left their clutter--lots of writing, painting, quilting, sewing, and other craft stuff to deal with, including an embarrassing number of unfinished items.

As I began clearing away odds and ends that had accumulated on my cutting table, I came across a book that I didn't remember and premised that perhaps it had been intended as a gift for someone. 

Nope, it was a book Mario and Jayna recommended to me back in 2015. And I bought it and read it and, if my blog post is to be believed, really enjoyed it.

I said:

The premise is that two teenagers from a very long-lived alien race were stranded on Earth at a time when apes were the most advanced form of life. The teens experimented with giving the primates a bit of a push (a la SPACE ODYSSEY 2001.)  

As time passed and the primates evolved, the two aliens came to be regarded as gods  . . . and when, much, much later, an anguished St. Augustine realizes the truth and asks what remains, if his beliefs are based on a mistake, he is told:

 "A great deal remains, you relentless man . . . that splendid mind I gave you. Though it's very like building a magnificent car for someone who obstinately refuses to learn to drive."

Waiting for the Galactic Bus is a wonderful, thought-provoking romp through time, history, theology, and philosophy!

With a glowing review like that, I had to read it (again.) And I'm enjoying it all over again. And finding it fearfully pertinent to 2024. 


Anvilcloud said...

It does 'sound' enjoyable.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great premise for a book. Happy Lunar Year of the Dragon. Enjoy finding and clearing!

jennyfreckles said...

I've never heard of that title, it does sound fun.