Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Next Generation

This picture warmed my heart. On top of her nursing job and her mama-to-Josie job, Claui found time to organize a baby quilt for a friend in Kentucky. Various friends created squares and Claui put the quilt together and quilted it. Then drove to Kentucky where other friends had gathered for a shower for the new baby. 

The next generation is carrying on the tradition my friend Karol and I wrote about.

Here's another Claui did a few years back.

And these two I organized for my niece's babies; Claui and her friends did squares.

The beat goes on!


Anvilcloud said...

Looks like a grand tradition.

Barbara Rogers said...

Yay quilters! In any vein.

jennyfreckles said...

Such a great tradition. Sadly not widespread over here, though people do of course do quilting and embroidery. The notion of special quilts isn't really in our national psyche. These are beautiful.

TIL I Can Make It On My Own said...

Oh I love these, Claui sounds as kind and caring as you are Vicki, xx