This sounds like bait and switch but really, it's just a mixup. I was told my guest post at Jungle Red would be up today. But it's not.
Turns out it's SATURDAY I'm over at Jungle Red, explaining how living in a New Age vortex has led to creeping woo-woo in my writing. Do stop by then and share your thoughts on woo-woo,
Today the Reds are discussing whether 99 cent Kindle books will be the death of publishing. And it's an interesting post, as are the comments.
Dropped in but couldn't find you?
Jungle Red? Que?
Deana the queena
Hello Vicki
Went over to Jungle Red and could not find your post. Will pay a visit to you later!
Have a nice day.
Tracy :)
check back in a bit....
Guess it's too early??
It musn't be up yet, I will call back later. (Mind you, the Kindle article was interesting)
Obviously, like everyone else, I am too early so will try again later. I did enjoy the blog about the kindle and also worry that it may bring about a rather lot of bad writing!
Well, I was told my post would be up today but obviously there's been a mixup --I've emailed Julia Spencer-Fleming, the Red who invited me, to find out what's up.
On the other hand, the article over there about free or cheap books on the Kindle is very interesting. As are the comments.
is this a good thing...the new age...99 cents...maybe writers need something similar to what farmers have; and singers, etc., writers aid? insurance for the "times they are a changin'". Thanks Bob Dylan! New World Order may be Occupied for awhile!
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