Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Squirrel Hunting. .

This first picture is, as most of you will recognize, from our front porch.  The rest were taken from the car window on my way to and from the grocery store.  I'm fortunate to be traveling mainly on back roads so if something catches my eye, I can usually stop and take a picture.

"Squirrel hunting' is what an old friend of ours called it when one drives along keeping an eye on the scenery rather than the road.  I plead guilty . . . but I try to confine my hunting to those back roads . . . and our half mile of driveway.


Ms. A said...

Love the glow of the sun on that distant mountain, in the first photo. Lots of sun in this set!

Barbara Rogers said...

Lovely...I confess to also doing this, and never knew what it was called...besides inciting road rage in some folks. What's the dark blob in pic number 4? I want to make it into crow, but am not quite sure.

Vicki Lane said...

It's a buzzard/turkey vulture. Two crows were harassing it but I wasn't quick enough to catch them at it.

Jime said...

What lovely views. Makes me homesick. That thar holler stump just right for hiden a mason jar of moooonshine.

katy gilmore said...

You really do spring down there Vicki! Beautiful.

Stella Jones said...

Lovely pictures Vicki and how nice that they show your trip to the shop!

Frances said...

Please do carry on with your squirrel hunting, Vicki.

I so appreciate your sharing all these roadside treasures with us. xo