Monday, July 12, 2010

Look at This . . .

See! The day lily's coquettish ruffles and come-hither anthers  . . .
. . . the turkeys' soft dark eyes  . . . the precisely patterned plumage . . .
the elegant curve of her neck . . .
. . .  the rosemary's twisted trunk 
and the way light lingers like memory in the branches.
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L. D. said...

The lily is gorgeous. I really like the shots of the turkey. I was surprised to see that in your area. Fun pictures.

Merisi said...

... the light lingers like memory .... beautiful words and images!

Pat in east TN said...

Neat pictures ... I never noticed the beauty of a wild turkey, but maybe it's because they're usually running in the opposite direction when we encounter each other in the woods. I love the rosemary and only wish I could grow one so lovely.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. The lily was my favorite though. Nice post, Vicki.

Jean Baardsen said...

So cool that you have the turkeys hanging out around your house. Loved all the pictures!

Vicki Lane said...

Turkeys are making a big comeback in out area, Larry, as more and more fields and pastures are left to grow up in multiflora rose and blackberries.

Thanks, Merisi, Mr. S., and Jean!

Pat - My rosemary spends the winter in the greenhouse. I've seen huge ones growing outside in Asheville and Weaverville but haven't managed that here.

Elora said...

Yes, poetry....nothing "not quite" about it...


Carol Murdock said...

LOVE that Rosemary!

Deanna said...

That lily photo is beautiful.

Great shots of the turkey. We have many here, but I've never been at the right placeat the right time to take a great picture.

Brian Miller said...

nice. a bit of peace...

love the beauty of the lily...and saw a turkey myself the other day crossing the road. had to stop and watch him for a moment...

love how you notice the little things that make them extraordinary...

Reader Wil said...

That lily is so beautiful both in shape as in colour. So your turkey chicks are almost adult birds now!

Friko said...

How very lovely; I wasn't expecting this when I clicked on. not that you don't always write lovely posts but this is such poetry.

Martin said...

I see you've labelled this as 'not quite poetry'. May I say, not quite so.

Those images and carefully selected words work so well.

Vagabonde said...

This is beautiful photography and writing. I can see, feel and smell the rosemary in your picture.

tattytiara said...

Well that was an exquisitely crafted post, I have to say. Absolutely lovely!

maría cecilia said...

A poet, a mysteries writer, a gardener, a chef, a counciouss being, a wife and mom... just great my dear friend!!!
big hugs,
maria cecilia

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, folks! I love the camera for letting me catch so many moments that make me wish I had someone nearby to say 'Look at this flower, these turkeys, the moon, the sunrise, the rain . . .!'