Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Foot

I found this foot -- a rather dirty foot --  quite beautiful in a sculptural sort of way. 
But couldn't decide if I preferred it in color . . . or black and white . . . or sepia.

(For some reason, Blogger is not showing your comments  -- I've received them in my email but they're not being posted here. Mysterious are the ways of Blogger -- maybe it will fix itself.) 

Now Miss Yves says her messages appear then disappear. Maybe the heat is getting to Blogger.  Some messges have appeared -- others not.  Puzzling.)
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Martin said...

It has to be the black and white. By the way, you say you found this foot. Does that mean it's not used as a rule? Ho, ho!

Elora said...

For my eye, the black and white has the most drama, a bit less detail in the shadows which creates an edge of mystery.

Pat in east TN said...

What a neat series of pictures, and what a beautiful foot!

Miss_Yves said...

As we say in French, :"C'est le pied!", (familier)
that is to say:

it's wicked! (very informal) c'est génial!

I can't decide which picture I prefer!

Brian Miller said...

black & white...there is a lot of beauty to be found in the human form...for me it is the simple complexity...

Anonymous said...

I love the black and white shot more than the other two. A foot for a sculpture? Nice...

Vicki Lane said...

This is weird -- I received six comments in my email but Blogger's not putting them here.

June said...

Quite a foot, indeed!
I think I like it best au naturel; I think that way shows the most texture.

Jean Baardsen said...

I like the one in color the best, and the sepia the least.

Friko said...

black and white for me, but whatever, it really is a very beautiful foot. The foot belonging to a strong, athletic, healthy, powerful body.

Miss_Yves said...

I fear that the English translation is worse than the frenche one .

Vicki Lane said...

So now Blogger is publishing comments -- in its own time because I left one that hasn't showed up yet and Martin left one which is likewise missing and there may be others. . . Come on, Blogger, pull yourself together!

The beautiful foot belongs to my younger son. We were sitting on the front porch before supper last night and he was perched on the railing in front of me and I kept looking at his foot . . .

Miss_Yves said...

My messages appear, then they disappear:is here a bug ?

jennyfreckles said...

I like the colour one best.
But I like too that it's your son's foot. We often take photos of our babies' chubby little feet but we don't think to capture the beauty and strength as they get older.

(I hope your son is good at cleaning the bath or shower tray after!)

Vicki Lane said...

Folks, I have no idea what's going on here. Possibly Blogger choked on Martin's pun...

Deanna said...

Black and white. Beautiful foot. Think about the beating our feet take day after day and just keep going.

Blogger has not been nice to me either. I've held off commenting because comments don't appear, then they appear.... and it says 0 comments and there are 5? Crazy blogger. I'd be upset if it wasn't free ;)

Merisi said...

A beautiul foot indeed, in any color!

Comments our also out of sink on my side of the pond.

JJM said...

One vote for sepia ... more detailed, less muddy, has an aura all its own.

Anonymous said...

Here's another vote for sepia--clear details like marble, chiseled by a master.

Lynne in GA

Anonymous said...

Another vote for the sepia with clear details like marble chiseled by a master sculptor.

Lynne in GA

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful feet!
Blogger isn't showing all comments in my posts either! And it doesn't show the number of comments, though they are shown in my e-mails. Weird, isn't it?!
Thanks anyway for your comment, Vicki!

100 Thoughts of Love said...


maría cecilia said...

Darling Vicki, what are you going to do with those feet, a new story inspiration?? I like them B&W.
Some of my comments where swallow by blogger too!!!
maria cecilia

Lisa Ursu said...

I love this post.
Suddenly I am singing the song Footloose.
It's a mystery indeed!

Tipper said...

Oh I love all of them! Something so powerful and moving about something as everyday as a dirty foot : )