It's been dust-dry and the when the rain came this afternoon, we were delighted. The peas and lettuce and spinach I just sowed were nicely soaked and all the new greenery and blossoms looked better for the drenching.

Water ran in our recently installed gutters -- a charming sight! And a very pale, very low rainbow hinted that the pot of gold might be in our barn.
Only Eddie, who had been caught in the downpour, was not amused.
That picture of Eddie is AHHMAZING! I was just strolling through your blog, catching up, and burst out laughing when I saw this. Poor Eddie, but what an incredible snapshot of the old guy.
Yes, I believe that it truly captures that ineffable quality we all know and love. (For the full effect, mouse over and click to enlarge -- a screen saver for Beelzebub!)
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