Thursday, April 9, 2020

Seeing Spots


Barbara Rogers said...

They are so pretty.

KarenB said...

We occasionally get quail in our yard escaped from a nearby release and hunt club. They are as round as bowling balls and about the same size and look like they were specifically designed to be dinner. Your guineas have somewhat the same look. They are both pretty birds with lovely feathers.

NCmountainwoman said...

I love the look of guineas. To me they look like ancient birds. In addition to their beauty and watchdog cries having them roam will help reduce the number of insects that carry many common diseases. When I was a small child our farmer neighbor raised guineas for food. They are very skittish and difficult to catch. My father was an excellent sharpshooter and he would go over and shoot off the heads they wanted to kill. He was that good. A clean shot through that tiny neck and never once failed or hit another bird.

Vicki Lane said...

I believe that guinea hen under glass was a delicacy back in the 1800s. But I don't anticipate eatig any of ours-- they're too much fun to watch.

jennyfreckles said...

What a pretty feather.

Thérèse said...

We do eat guineas over here though I haven't since my youth... :-)