Monday, June 30, 2014

In the Dinosaur Jungle . . . Cue Les Baxter

For those of you unfamiliar with Les Baxter, here's a LINK to an album of his that, during my teenage years, I played  late into the night . . . 

My mother thought I was weird, if not downright troubled.

(Yes, I know, not a dinosaur -- but a descendent. And if you blur your eyes . . .)


Thérèse said...

Such a fun music which fits the middle picture.

Brian Miller said...

could have been could have been "walk the dinosaur" by was not was...which is disturbing...ha....

Barbara Rogers said...

Fun jungle-y music. I like the drumming. I was hoping at first glance that the couple on the cover were dancing. Oh well. Lovely turkey in the jungle nearby!

NCmountainwoman said...

Well, you got me this time, Vicki. It is rare that you mention a book or song or movie I'm not familiar with. But I've never even heard of Les Baxter, although the jungle music sounds vaguely familiar. I kept expecting it to swing into "Laura."

Darla said...

Yup, I can see a velociraptor there when I squint… ;-)