Tuesday, February 16, 2010

She's So Vain


Here's something new -- Willow, of the charming blog Willow Manor, has put up a writing prompt blog called Magpie Tales. She proposes  to put up a photo every Thursday or Friday and ask for response the following Tuesday.  A visit to Magpie Tales will provide links to the various responses.

Willow began with the photo below and wrote a charming vignette about the little pewter pitcher, supposedly once used by George Washington, and then asked her readers to make up their own stories or poems based on the picture.
 Well, probably because I'm in the midst of writing about Elizabeth and her sister Gloria, I couldn't help noticing the matching sugar basin standing in the shadow...

It's always the same. 

Just look at her, posed all sexy, pouting lip, one hand on her hip.  She's been like this ever since the story about her and George Washington got around.  Oh, she's the big star, the one at the front of the shelf who gets the extra polish, who gets passed around reverently like she was some bloody Holy Grail. 

Me? I'm just the plain dumpy little sugar basin. Georgy Boy wasn't interested in me. No sugar for him, not with those rotten teeth of his. So here I stand, hidden behind her, dull and dusty, a receptacle for dead flies. 

No one remembers the time the Marquis de Lafayette emptied out the sugar, filled me to over-flowing with champagne, and made a mighty toast to the new nation. Bumpers all round, he cried, and no heeltaps!

Those French -- tres galant -- we were all so in love with them.

At least I have my shining memories. And if I can just creep up a little . . . Miss I'm So Special is quite near the edge  of the shelf . . . the tiniest shove and over she goes . . .

One lump or two, my dear?
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Martin said...

Nice one Vicki! This is a great idea of Willow's and if I can find the time, I'll definitely be taking part in the coming weeks.

Loved the opening especially, "..posed all sexy, pouting lip, one hand on her hip." Very apt.

Stella Jones said...

This is a fun idea. The vessels are gorgeous, aren't they! and I enjoyed your take on the sugar bowl.
Blessings, Star

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I just read this one aloud at the manor and WT and I laughed with delight! What a super notion to come from the point of view of the set. (Yes, that's a creamer hiding back there, you sleuth.)

WT is acting out the creamer with her hands on her hips, as I type.

Merisi said...

Oh you wicked one! ;-)
Truly edgy table talk.

Aren't we all dancing at the edge, sometime or other?

Merisi said...

Oh you wicked one! ;-)
Truly edgy table talk.

Aren't we all dancing at the edge, sometime or other?

Anonymous said...

A new perspective, I love it. Great job. I like this idea of Willow's too. I am not a great writer but I am always trying.

Susan D said...

Nice work. It recalls the fridge magnet I recently acquired, which contains my newest motto...


Vicki Lane said...

This was fun to do -- and it's interesting to see all the various responses.

Ha, Susan! -- I have some fridge magnets from that same company -- but not the one you mention (It would, of course, have to look like an accident...)

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

Hi Vicki, how inspired you are, and it gave me a little insight into how your thoughts are formed, you are amazing, very talented, and I agree with all your responses to the post, loved it. Makes me want to flex my literary muscle too. Hugs, Margie.

Miss_Yves said...

A creative challenge !
I'll come back to read your text...I'm tidying up my whole house to day ...Not very creative, but necessary ....
We'll receive our daughter and her son in a few days and nothing dangerous must stay ...

Anonymous said...

What fun...thanks for the link. I fear I know how I"ll be spending some time every Tuesday...maybe even will make a contribution at some point. Read all that had posted so far and you're the only one with the POV of the sugar container, that little wretch.

Lynne in GA

Geetly said...

I loved your interpretation of the picture.

Thanks for stopping by at mine.

Brian Miller said...

one lump or two...i like that. nice take on the prompt.

Pete Goulding said...

Haha! Oh but you have a very clever mind, ma'am!
The 'hand on hip' bit is laugh out loud hilarious!

Vicki Lane said...

Hey, Margie -- I'm wondering how my thoughts ARE formed . . . this is great fun though -- you ought to play along with us.

We used to call it 'child-proofing' the house, Miss Yves -- a big job.

Lots of interesting takes on this prompt, Lynne -- and as I said, come play along!

Thans, Geetly, Brian, and Peter! I enjoyed reading your interpretations of the prompt!

Anonymous said...

I loved this little piece of fast fiction.
Somehow or other we both 'channelled' rather the same feminine and girlish rivalry.
Steven's poem spoke of the little jug's girlish curves.
This is such fun.

Tipper said...

Well the prompt was great for you-I loved what yo wrote! And it made me wish I had the book you're working on in my hands too : )

Eliane Zimmermann said...

i wish my english was good enough to join in! but next week the final version of my third book will have to be checked before going to print and then there is a book about our village to be written so i don't have spare time anyway.
sorry to read about you dear dog, a ral similar cousin of ours border collie. my favourite parakeet bobby died the day i arrived in vienna, i think he was really old and apparently couldn't stand the cold anymore. it is always sad to see loved pets leaving...

Ronda Laveen said...

Vicki! This is such a treat and so funny. Thank goodness some men like us dumply little sugar basins!

rel said...

Oh my gosh, how cool is that.

Saucy and french to the core.

tori said...

here from Magpie.
what a clever take on the prompt. loved it!

Jennifer said...

haha love this one Vicki! Love the "subplot" of Marquis de Lafayette and the champagne.

You know, once a piece of my antique china was knocked mysteriously from the plate rail. At the time we blamed the ghost, but now... hmmm...

Vicki Lane said...

ewix -- They both seemed incredibly feminine to me. And I'm in the midst of a novel with a lot of sisterly jealousy so...

So that someday Tipper can get to read it!

Hi Eliane -- so sorry about the parakeet. Birds can have an amazing amount of personality. Good luck with the proof reading! And what fun it must have been to see multiple copies of your book on the shelf in Vienna! (I think your English is very good!)

Thanks Ronda, from a very dumpy sugar basin indeed!

Thanks, Rel and Tori! And Jennifer -- check the other objects on the plate rail for tell tale marks. ;-)

Catalyst said...

Oh! Spectacular! And full of spectacle!

Enchanted Oak said...

This is my first foray into the prompt writings, and I'm truly tickled by your agile mind. This was a delight to read!

Elizabeth said...

Your interpretation is clever and so original! And I read a bit further down about your dog. I'm so sorry for that loss -- he looked like such a dear.

Victoria said...

That was so clever! I wish my mind worked the way yours does...

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, folks! This was lots of fun.

The way my mind works .. sideways, perhaps?

PattyF said...

Vicki, I've read some marvelous pieces inspired by Willow's prompt, but I think yours is my favorite! Utterly delightful! An insired point of view; I love the poor overlooked sugar bowl's voice and her wistful fondness for the French. You've made me a fan!

♥ Braja said...

Oh, well done...original :)

Vicki Lane said...

Than you, Patty F, for the kind words! I hope you'll be back. I checked out your blog and those knitted things are yummy (The purple one on top for me, thnx)And I see you're an aspiring novelist -- so was I. My first was published by Bantam Dell in 2005 -- when I was 62 -- and I'm working on my sixth now, hooray!

And Braja -- thanks for stopping by! From India, no less. I'll be checking out your blog as well.

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

How lively and wonderful, great writing, a very unique take on Willow's photo. I love the voice of the sugar bowl... very cute. Thanks for sharing.

Jerry said...

So creative....from the sugar bowl perspective.

Sigh...I'm jealous.

martha said...

Your piece is so charming - sibling rivalry amongst the tableware. Gave me a right chuckle - it did.

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, Sun Dance, Jerry, and Martha!

Kat Mortensen said...

Now that was just brilliant! What a take! Envy in the pewter ranks. Great stuff.


Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, Poetikat! (Checking out you blog...)