Monday, July 15, 2019

There Should Have Been Music

Early morning on the parkway . . . and long shafts of light filter through the fog-bound trees.

I stopped and waited for a  Voice to speak . . . or for music to fill the still air with great, striding chords.

A curtain of light before me . . .

Almost daunting to drive into it . . . is this what the Rapture looks like?

Safely through . . . I'm in no danger of being raptured away.

But then, in a somewhat surreal moment, there they were again, this time coming from my left. 

Such, I reminded myself, are the twists and turns of the Parkway.

Still, there should have been music.


Anvilcloud said...

That is remarkable.

Barbara Rogers said...

So beautiful. No wonder it' inspiring!

Nan Emanuel said...

Magnificent! Daunting indeed...

Sally in Blk Mtn said...

"Almost daunting to drive into it"

NCmountainwoman said...

That would also leave me awestruck. Just the simple movement of the clouds affects me. I can only imagine those streams of light.