Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Elizabeth Meets Fabio?

Another door opens -- I was invited to blog today on Fresh Fiction and was a little taken aback when -- but I invite you to follow this link Posted by Picasa and see for yourself. And do please leave a comment over there! I'd like the FF folks to hear from Elizabeth's fans on the subject. (Comments on my post there will go into the hat for the character naming privilege)


Liz said...

Vicki - I am almost to the end of "In a Dark Season" (I was going to put it down and start on your fist book - but got sucked in and had to know what happened to Nola). I am really enjoying it - not just because of the familiar locales - but because of all the rich characters and the detail. Can't wait for the next one. -Liz

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks you, Liz! So glad you're enjoying it. And at least it's cool reading for this hot time of year!

Susan M. Bell said...

I love your idea of giving people the chance to have a character in your books. What a wonderful way to have someone "live forever" as it were. I have decided that if my name isn't the one picked, the person I want to use will become a character either in my book or one of my short stories instead.
And thanks for the info on the clothesline on Amazon. Don't know why I never thought to look there.

Vicki Lane said...

The character thing is really fun -- sometimes leading you in a new direction.