In the open book in the picture, Odessa wrote in blue ink in 1942, red in '43, blue again in '44, purple in '45 and green in '46. And she wrote very small, cramming five lines into the four given. Her entry for Friday, January 2, 1942 reads: Pretty but cold South Wind blowing. A very busy day at store. Felt sorter bad a bad fever blister on lip so painful. Florence Cheek & Hydes left for Columbus Ohio A.M. Japs captured Manilla.
And on the same day, Inez said: Worked in kitchen as per usual. Ironed this P.M. Printed butter. Carrie Margaret and (a name I can't decipher) were all here this afternoon. Worked on rug tonite.
Then, as an evident afterthought, written very tiny between lines two and three: Japs captured Manilla today.
On the blank pages at the front of her book for '38-'42, Inez has jotted various intriguing one liners: Judy got a crying doll, July 3rd, 1941; Aug.22, 1939 Mr.Ledford was run over by train and killed; and my favorite -- Aug.23, 39 Polk Roberts chocked his wife to death.
I'm in love with these ladies already and am looking forward to spending a lot more time with them. I think Birdie is going to have to meet them in the new book
1 comment:
Fascinating how a whole day can be compressed into 4 (or 5) lines. More intriguing is the importance two diarists place on the same major event (or not). btw, I hope nobody gets *chocked* in the new book! lol!
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