Sunday, January 5, 2025

Ordinary Things

 The Tampa cousins (both painters) have nudged me into attempting more drawing from life (rather than photos as is my wont.) This is the mug that follows me around all day--usually with hot water, sometimes tea, occasionally grog (hot water, rum, lemon.)

Next up, my grandmother's biscuit cutter and spatulas. I don't use these--but can't get rid of them. Maybe painting them will allow me to let go.



Marcia said...

I like the painting better than the photo. You have a definite style that is charming.

jennyfreckles said...

Love your paintings. I can always see them as book illustrations.

Sandra Parshall said...

I love your painting style.

Barbara Rogers said...

Watch out Grandma Moses fans! Glad you're going towards letting your eye's view of real objects define your painting. The last one is great with the words to define everything. Needs framing, with a nice mat.

Vicki Lane said...

I think my 'style' would be classified as naive. And that's fine with me.

JJM said...

Naïve is a respected style of painting -- the art world recognizes it as such, and even hoity-toitily adds an umlaut (diaeresis, actually) to the "i" in that term. Nothing wrong with that. And your work has great charm. Not saying that to be nice, either -- if I didn't like your art, I could simply remain silent. But here I am: I like your painting. A *lot*.