Sunday, January 12, 2025

Oh, Deer!

John looked up from his computer to see three deer, not twenty feet away on the slope directly behind the house.

They were munching on the ground cover--a mix of ivy, houttuynia, periwinkle, and weeds.

This is the best I could do--shooting through screens and embarrassingly dirty windows.

After the plague that wiped out so many deer a few years back, it's nice to see these pretty critters--though come summer I'll be cursing them if they eat my hostas. 



Anvilcloud said...

How lovely to get a visitation. Even at the rural cottage that we used to visit, the deer almost always stayed away from the house. Perhaps it was because of the dogs.

Sandra Parshall said...

Our little deer herd seems to be doing well in the snow and severe cold. They're all hungry, of course, and they come out of the woods and into the yards in search of food. The big solitary buck (males and females live separately) has figured out how to get the bird feeder in our dawn redwood tree off its hook and onto the ground, where all the seed spills out for him. He only does this at night. During the day the birds have full use of it after it is again filled with black oil sunflower seeds.

Marcia said...

I don't see deer often here though granddaughter #1 found their tracks through our yard. They must travel by after dark.

JJM said...

Had a doe take up temporary residence in my back yard once until her two surviving fawns were old enough to jump the fence. That pretty much did for the last of the azalea bushes, but ... oh well.