Saturday, January 20, 2024

Heading to the Single Digits

Big deal, my Canadian friends are saying. But weather this cold tests all our systems and keeps us on edge. Will we lose power? Will the pipes freeze? How long will the road to our house stay icy?

As of Friday noon, we have power and the water is still running. John has left his truck at the lower place, and the Kubota utility vehicle, with chains, can make it to our house. We have plenty of food and wood, should the power go out. 

This, too, shall pass.



Anvilcloud said...

It is darn cold here too, but we don't really have to worry about repercussions. Not due to cold anyway.

Sandra Parshall said...

The January thaw, however brief, is right around the corner. Let's hope February isn't a deep freeze that will bury us in snow and ice. 6 weeks until March!

Barbara Rogers said...

It's pretty too! Though I wouldn't urge you to go take photos out today! Maybe tomorrow when it starts to warm up again. Tonight due to be even colder, however.

Vicki Lane said...

No way I'd risk going out and slipping and falling.