Friday, August 18, 2023

Porch Time with Josie

Yesterday when I went up to stay with Meema, I was nervousited. That means I was nervous and excited. Do you know why?

FIRST GRADE starts Monday. I worry that the kids might be mean--there is one boy who was sometimes mean to me, but he got better. Sometimes we even played together. I worry that it might be too hard, but Meema said I already know lots of stuff even second graders don't know. 

I hope she's right.

After pancakes, we went out on the porch and blew bubbles. I like when Meema blows them so I can chase them and pop them, but she asked me to blow some so she could take pictures of the bubbles. So, I did for a while.

I watered the porch plants. They get very thirsty. Sometime the basil starts to look droopy, but after a drink of water, it is fine.

Check out the pink crocs! Me and Mama went to the Barbie movie, and I wore them because pink is Barbie's and my favorite color.

Another thing we always do on the porch is brush the dogs. Bailey loves being brushed.

See how shiny her coat is? 

This is on the porch too. It is a place for insects to lay eggs. You can see that some of the holes are sealed shut. That means there are already eggs in there.

While we were looking, a wasp came flying in and went in to check it out. If you stay still, wasps will probably not sting you. This one did not.

PS Guess what! In the afternoon, Mama took me to school for Meet the Teacher time and I met her and she is really nice and I found out that a bunch of my friends are in my class. Also, at recess, all the first grades go out together so I can see my other friends.

I'm still a little nervous but not as much.


Barbara Rogers said...

Getting ready for a new school year is definitely a big event in a young woman's life. And First Grade is just that...the first of the climb through 12 of them...a bit of the foundation for one's education. Loved seeing the designs of the insect nests.

Sandra Parshall said...

Tell Josie that I said she has nothing to be nervous about. She's smart, and she already knows so much more than a lot of kids her age. She will be brilliant in first grade, doing the thing she enjoys the most: learning! And if that boy is nasty to her again, she should just give him a beautiful smile and walk away. He's only doing it to get her attention because he has a crush on her.

Star said...

Josie is growing up fast and I love her pink crocs. I’ve seen them in my local shop too recently, but I don’t know if they are comfortable? Please ask Josie to let me know if they feel nice and what it is like to walk in them. Good luck on Monday Josie. It’s a big step but you will be just fine. Love the bee hotels Vicki.

Thérèse said...

Everything seems ready for Josie. Nervousness is part of the game but with "Meema" nothing can go wrong. The Meet the teacher event and so many things to enjoy on the porch before the Big Day make the nervousness go away.

JJM said...

Josie will do just fine -- she's more than ready for school. The main problem she'll have is that she might be terribly bored at first. Not all children come to school already prepared with the basics, and the whole class ends up going slow while they catch up. With luck, though, her teacher will know how to keep everyone intellectually engaged. But Josie? Josie will be a star. I'm sure of that, already.