The most grueling part of Christmas preparation is almost over --- the cards on the family gifts have been written.
The presents under the tree are for John and me, Ethan and Aileen, and Justin and Claui. Don't be fooled by the amount and the size of the boxes -- we tend to exchange very practical gifts and often ask for wish lists so we don't give stuff no one wants.
Where's the fun in that? I hear you saying.
The fun comes in the gift cards. Our tradition (which I gave to Elizabeth's family in IN A DARK SEASON) is to label the boxes with the recipient's name and a conundrum or a puzzle that tells what the present is. If one can remember what one asked for, one has a better chance of guessing. But the creators of the riddles are there to give hints and they do.
The gifts are opened slowly, one at a time, as the riddles are guessed or revealed. And when you've guessed the meaning of "A left cross! And an upper jab!" that pair of socks is a bit more fun.
The following are on some of the labels under the tree --
"Successful followers of the Atkins Diet" (hint -- it's a DVD)
"From the closet of the King of Tarts"
"Large domicile for canis lupus" (hint -- a best selling book)
"Mack lent his to Dinah after strumming on the ol' banjo"
"Made by some Yiddish-speaking molluscs while listening to Bach" (not a practical gift, this one)
Welcome to our silly, nerdy world.
You are welcome to guess and I'll reveal the answers in the comments but ONLY after the family has had their Christmas mental exercise on Christmas Day.