Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.
First, you might want to
Get ordained as a Dudeist priest. There are over 100,000 worldwide.
I've already mentioned my infatuation with the Brothers Coen. And you may have noticed that I love a good bit of silliness.
So when I saw the above on line -- a religion based on The Dude of "The Big Lebowski" -- I knew at once that it was pretty much just my cup of tea -- or my glass of White Russian, to be more faithful to the film.
And yes, I have been ordained. You may call me 'Mother Vicki' or perhaps 'Your Ineffable
I stand ready to perform weddings or exorcisms.
(My apologies to those of you who aren't familiar with The Dude -- our regular programming will return soon.)
DUDE!! I love the Coen Brothers. I'm off to be ordained.
Since I'm from California, I guess my name will be Mother Surfer Dude-ette.
Bummer, forgot I don't surf. Wait...does surfing the web count?
And here was I worrying that we have become a dudeless society!
Oh I have been wondering where I fitted into the scheme of things..
thank you.
whoa most high dudettw priestess...smiles.
Just my style.
I am tempted to see the light, Mother Vicki
Blessings to all of you...I find that being ordained really ties things together for me. (Now where's my bathrobe...)
That is "f---en" cool, man!
LOL. I do think there is a script somewhere amongst all the swearing... at least my son assures me there is. I have only heard it from the kitchen ... it's on my list of movies to see.
My husband loves the Big Loubaski : )
Not familiar with the Dude - but I know at least one guy who looks just like that!
Did you ever see True Grit? It's great - one to see in the theater for sure!
Vicki -- I am in the dark on this philosophy. Went to Wiki -- still am in the dark, sounds like pop culture stuff. -- barbara
Great post Dude!!
Well, sir, it's this rug I had. It really tied the room together...
To those of you who are baffled -- The Dude is the main character in the terrific Coen Brothers' movie --THE BIG LEBOWSKI. And the rest is inexplicable unless you've seen the movie.
Love the Coen brothers too.....and love your sense of humour Vicki....xv
Yep, if any filmmakers could inspire a religion it's those two.
Adds The Big L to my list of must see. Can't believe I've waited this long. Do I kiss your ring now?
One of these days, I'll have to see The Big Lebowski and perhaps be converted. At the moment, though, I lean more towards the Flying Spaghetti Monster. ;-)
I bow to your dudessness.... bring on the Kahlúa.
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