I love the use of inlay and the whole cheerful/religious look of this piece.
In fact, I love folk art. Primitive, naive, whatever -- pieces that look as if the maker had fun doing them.
I only have a few pieces. This charming hippopotamus below was found at a flea market.
This mule and wagon were a gift from a friend who is (alas!) moving and seeking to pare down her collections.
I adore it! The wheels are bound with thin strips of aluminum (probably from a beer can, says my husband) and the same aluminum strips form the mule's harness.
See the brake on the wheel? And the comfortable slant to the seat back?
And, as my husband said, the person who carved this knew mules. Lean and hammer-headed, this is a quintessential mule.
Last of all is this charming cat, a gift from my friend Kathy, the prototype of Sallie Kate the realtor in my books.
Kathy got a listing for a house that had belonged to two bachelor brothers. One or perhaps both of them had worked tor the state road department and evidently they had brought home a number of old road signs which they proceeded to turn into folk art. Kathy has a whole array of them which she rescued before the family hauled them off the the dump. I love the cat's smile.
And speaking of cats, I left my laptop unattended for a few moments and came back to find Miss Susue Hutchins sitting on it.
Below is what she has to say about folk art ... or something. It may say, in cat, 'It's too freakin' cold in this house.'
But I'm just guessing. Maybe one of you is fluent in cat.
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I love that woodwork. Gorgeous.
I believe that's cat for "mine". I know all of the keyboards in this house are feline property too.
That chair is astounding. So glad it was rescued by somebody who could appreciate it!
You have some really wonderful pieces. Thanks for showing them to us. Our cat just thought that she should be allowed on the keyboard, if your can gets to be on the keyboard.
Vicki -- very nice pieces of folk art. I especially liked the chair and the cat. Your friend is fortunate to have gotten some of the metal folk pieces before they hauled the load to the dump. -- barbara
Those are great pieces of folk art! I'm sorry your friend is moving, but how nice that she gave you a gift to remember her by.
I'm guessing Miss Susie Hutchins is saying, "Leave this darn computer alone and pay attention to ME!"
Oh I love your folk art Vicki. Thanks for sharing. The chair is amazing. oooooooooo---
That chair is amazing and I can't even begin to think of the time it took to make it, let alone an entire set!
Lovely post! the pieces of folkart are precious too! Your cat has a point. She wants to sit where you work. When I was writing my cat sat on my paper and tried to play with my pen. When I was reading and put the book down he sat on my book waiting for me to return.
What wonderful pieces Vicki. The chair is absolutely beautiful. My favorite is the wagon and mule. Thanks for sharing with us.
You have a wonderful collection of folk art Vicki. That is some chair. Think of the hours it takes to make something like that.
Happy Valentine's day.
Love the chair! That wagon and mule are wonderful! I can't imagine the time and effort associated with those pieces. Wow! I think Miss Susie Hutchins is saying she likes the fancy new heating pad.
Yes, I agree w/kitty: it IS "freakin cold" in here! Two woodstoves didn't cut it with 7 degrees outside! The folk art speaks for itself. What great "finds" and you had the knowledge to snap them up! As they say in Australia, girl:
Good on yer!
I love your art and also the view out your window behind. And you gave me an idea for a blog post of my own. Thanks and have a great weekend.--Inger
Wonderful set of folk art!
Oh dear I love it all..that chair..I would have arm wrestled you for it
and yes that is cat for mine or hey, pay attention to me
I once bought a Tennesee folk art doll at a farmer's market...after the woman wrapped it up she informed me that the hair on the doll was real....:-0
I like folk art too. I like things which look natural. I particularly like the mule in your collection. He's just such a wonderful shape, isn't he.
That chair! I've never seen anything like it before.
Vicki - these are some truly wonderful pieces!!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My cat types from time to time too. I'm not sure what message she's trying to send. Probably that one that you see in the email forward "help, I'm being held hostage."
That chair is gorgeous. Lucky son!
Very nice pieces. The chair is special.
I am a huge fan of folk art. I have a wooden cat collection. Have you ever seen the work of Debi Hubbs? Her work is fun and folksie.
I wish the chair were mine. The man at the dumpsters was just showing them to a friend and I asked if I could take a picture.
I'll try to get pictures of the other metal animals Kathy rescued -- they're wonderful.
Kristen -- I checked out the web site -- some charming stuff there!
It would appear that 17 mo old Asher also speaks Cat, but alas, I think that Cat is much like Fight Club and thus, the first rule of Cat is that you don't talk about Cat.
I'll see if he spills the beans in his sleep and get back to you.
Love folkart-the pieces you showed are great. And I think that's what Miss Susue was trying to say-and maybe that she was a little chilly too : )
One of my favorite things about art is that there is always someone to create it and to appreciate it in all its myriad manifestations! :-)
What treasures. Thank you for sharing.
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