Those baby chicks that were hatched on June 22 and received on June 24 (above) are almost completely feathered and will soon be out of their brooder and into the chicken house. Most of the chicks, the ones with gray-green legs, are Ameracanas -- layers (god willing and if nothing gets them) of blue-green eggs. The four dark ones with yellow legs are Golden-Laced Wyandottes -- and I'm eager to see if they grow up to be as attractive as they're
pictured.And those tomato plants I put in back on May 7 . . .

. . . are performing magnificently! We have are lots of plum tomatoes for sauces and roasting and then there are these big Cherokee Purples. They won't win any beauty contests but their flavor -- deep and rich and sweet and just acid enough -- makes them the best tasting tomato we've grown.

A lot of you have probably read it already but I can't resist putting a link to my article on
Tomato Porn
I had my FIRST tomato of the season the other day ... it was like a little bit of heaven!!! Aaaaaaah .......
We're having BLTs for lunch today. With homemade mayonnaise. What could be better!
I was going to get Cherokee Purples this year, but with everything with my Mom, I didn't get the seeds and get them started. There is a place near here, called Baker's Heirloom seeds, so I'm hoping to get some and do this next year. I had a couple of Golden Laced Wyndottes quite a few years ago. I got them in a mixed bag of day old chicks. I always thought they were exceptionally beautiful and they were very calm and dignified girls. Your Ameracuana assortment looks very similar to the color assortment I have right now. I loved the Tomato Porn article. :-)
A friend gave me a bunch of started Cherokee Purples. (Thank you, Nancy!)
So glad you liked "Tomato Porn"! I wrote it a couple of years ago and am still proud of it.
Ummmmm..ummmmmm. Those gorgeous tomatoes are enough to get this city girl to try growing them in one of my newly installed huge clay pots.....container gardening is where I'll have to focus, since I don't trust the soil.....have a feeling that my yard and alley have seen way too many shadetree mechanics in the past!
Susan T.
Long as you have plenty of sun,Susan, containers work super well for tomatoes. Lots of other things too. You may find there's a touch of country girl lurking somewhere in your psyche!
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