Friday, March 21, 2025

Slow Horses


Slow Horses (Deluxe Edition) by Mick Herron

My older son reminded me that I needed to read the Slough House series from the beginning. I downloaded the audiobook--which is excellent--but quickly realized I needed to see words on a page to fix the various names and places in my head.

So I alternated between listening and reading--and it worked well. There were subtleties I might have missed in either form but combining the two was completely delightful.

Wry, dry humor and an ensemble cast of interesting folks with a past, this is a kind of spy story new to me. A gang of discredited MI5 spooks are the slow horses, condemned to serve out their careers at Slough House, doing  busywork until they quit from frustration--or die.

But there's so much else going on--plots within plots and if you blink, you may miss something important. That's why the reading/listening approach worked so well for me.

I am looking forward to diving into the rest of the series. Plus, there's a television series, starring Gary Oldman, to look forward to.

There's an excellent, more comprehensive review   HERE.


Sandra Parshall said...

The TV series is outstanding! Not to be missed. You're lucky to have several seasons to binge watch. I'm in withdrawal after the end of the much too short last season -- but the next has already been filmed and is ready to go, so we can be sure it's coming and won't be delayed for years. The show has received Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. This is the rare adaptation that does full justice to the books.

Vicki Lane said...

That's good to hear!

Anvilcloud said...

I am wondering where I've seen it advertized. Apple maybe?

Sandra Parshall said...

Slow Horses is on Apple, yes.