The neighbors are awakening! This slender young blacksnake brought Emily D.'s poem to mind, though he didn't slide away. Indeed, I believe s/he had just emerged from his winter burrow--when I touched him with my walking stick, he didn't react.

You can see the dirt on the tail coming out of the ground. It was still pretty chilly, and he looked like I feel most mornings--Do I really want to get up now?
A few hours later, the sun had done its work and the snake was gone. I hope he's hunting--that place where his hole is, is also where I've seen a couple of copperheads in years past.
I personally prefer yesterday's shoots. 😎
It's awfully early for him to be out.
I wonder if I’d ever get used to sharing life with snakes… Ours rarely get near humans.
I learned something about snakes today!
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