Monday, November 25, 2024

Thanksgiving Preparations

Thanksgiving preparations are underway, beginning with pots of magnolia leaves inside and out. (I planted that magnolia maybe thirty years ago and it's been a standby for this sort of thing.

I've made two pumpkin chiffon pies. They're in the freezer awaiting fresh whipped cream and almond brittle on the big day. I've also made my grandmother's cranberry, celery, pecan gelatin salad. The younger folk tend to scorn jiggly 'salads' but John and I love the clean refreshing taste late on Thanksgiving Day.

More cooking and cleaning to come . . .



Sandra Parshall said...

I hope you're not the only one who cooks! And I hope you get plenty of help with cleanup. 😀

Barbara Rogers said...

Love the magnolia leaves, never would have thought of them to decorate with, and they are just right!

Cella said...

There seems to be a generational divide on gelatin salads. I grew up with them and still love them. My grandchildren do not.

Vicki Lane said...

We treat it more as a dessert now, though in my youth it was considered a salad and served with a dollop of mayo--quite tasty though the idea made one DIL shudder.

Vicki Lane said...

Lots of other dishes will be brought. And others will do most of the cleanup. I don't have a dishwasher, so the dishes get done in batches as the last batch air dries.

Marcia said...

I made an old fashioned jello salad for a church potluck lunch on Sunday. It was a hit and just enough leftover for Dan and I to enjoy another helping at another meal.
My fresh turkey was delivered this morning. 20 lb! It's in the refrigerator covered in a dry brine of kosher salt, sage, rosemary, thyme and brown sugar.