Monday, July 22, 2024

The Joy of Bubbles...and a Sunday Surprise

This was meant to be a wordless post, but after President Biden's laudable and selfless withdrawal from the race, I must say I'm delighted that Kamala Harris has the support of so many. What a historic moment if we elect the first woman president! 

I'm with her. For the sake of Josie and all the other little girls who deserve to grow up in a world where they are not second-class citizens, valued only as baby-makers, a world where climate change is taken seriously, and the social safety net is preserved.

As I said before, I will vote for whomever the Democrat nominee is--anything other than the dark vision of Project 2025 and the incoherent rage of the MAGA candidate.

But I'd really like to see a woman as POTUS. And I'd LOVE to see Kamala debate the Big Orange Liar.



Anvilcloud said...

Nice juxtaposition of an exuberant young lady with the news of the lady who will, likely, run for president.

Sandra Parshall said...

trump says he won't debate her. That means he's terrified of her! BTW, when she was running for re-election as California attorney general, trump donated $6,000 to her campaign and Ivanka donated $2,000.

Barbara Rogers said...

Love to see your bubble maker, as you muse about the future of her (and our) lives from the next election. I'm still in shock about Biden's decision, but I do think he looked at the welfare of the country in making it.

Marcia said...

I'm with you!

jennyfreckles said...

From across the pond, I'm relieved that Biden has stepped down, as he looked so frail. I don't know much about Kamala Harris. Since the original election she has not reached the news over here. She seems pretty sassy and capable and I agree it would be wonderful to have a female POTUS. All hangs in the balance... I wouldn't like even to make a guess at what will happen next (though I know what I'd like it to be!)

Vagabonde said...

What a Sunday! I was glued on my iPad watching the end of the Tour de France in Nice. My daughter sent me a text but I thought I’d read it later. When I did, it said ‘Did you hear about Pres. Biden?’ I thought something had happened to him. I was shocked by the announcement, and upset.

Today I listened to Kamala Harris speaking and think she will make a fine president, if given the opportunity. I hear that 45 is terrified and is trying to find ways not to debate her. I saw him with his VP Vance and have a feeling that he doesn’t like him, that Vance was forced on him, maybe by a large donor like Elon Musk. Now, Trump may be so scared that he might drop out too, and flee the country. Wouldn’t that be something? Is that what they call a ‘daily double?’