Thursday, December 2, 2021

I Hate It When That Happens

I saw it on Facebook: Anti-Vaccine Televangelist Marcus Lamb Dies of Covid-19 at 64.

And I must admit that my first reaction was to hit the laughing emoji. But I restrained myself and gave a simple thumbs-up--fairly neutral, simply signifying that I'd read the piece.

On reflection, I have to say the angry emoji would have been more appropriate. How many gullible fools has Lamb dissuaded from the vaccine? A vaccine that is our only hope of someday seeing the end of this threat. Kinda like TB and polio and the various childhood illnesses that used to be so common.

Nope, Mr. Lamb, I'm glad you're gone. Way to stick it to the liberals!



jennyfreckles said...

I feel the same - have to restrain myself sometimes. The harm these people do out of their own warped beliefs.

Barbara Rogers said...

I felt the same way when I saw that news...which of course wasn't mentioned on the evening news. At least FaceBook still has a bit of unbiased information...for now. I feel both angry and sad at how so many people are disillusioned by their lies.

Marcia said...

No love lost here either. It's what unvaccinated folks can expect.
Read recently that though Fox news toots sll sorts of conspiracy theories about the vaccine, all staff there required to be vaccinated or take daily Covid tests.

Anvilcloud said...

I feel pleased and vindicated when this happens and it has to several. My hope it that the sickness and death will jolt a number of others into reality.

Sandra Parshall said...

I'm glad he's been silenced. Now I wish Don Jr would shut up, one way or another. He's speaking to republican groups about the dangers of the vaccine, and urging Americans to "riot" in the streets against mandates. Then there's Robert Kennedy Jr, who has turned being an anti-vaxxer into a lucrative business. He firmly believes that his Aunt Rosemary was born mentally defective because Rose Kennedy had a vaccination while pregnant. He has a site where he regularly delivers his harmful message to packed rooms of people who pay more than $100 per seat.