Monday, March 10, 2025

Five Bullet Points

 Dear Sen./Rep.________,

I would like to know five actions you have taken in the past week to protect your constituents --veterans, educators, healthcare workers, farmers, and all those poor souls reeling under Musk's chainsaw attacks on government.

Has Congress abdicated all responsibility?

Sincerely waiting for a reply,

(Your name here)

This is my most recent letter. The cool medieval rabbit I think I grabbed from another blog. (Barb?)


Anvilcloud said...

Your note highlights the kindergarten stupidity of what is going on.

Marcia said...

Have you had any responses to your inquiries? I seem to get form responses.

Barbara Rogers said...

Not my rabbit! But a very cool idea to request those 5 bullet points from our representatives...who apparently pay more attention to phone calls than emails, or even dearly written and bloody fingered postcards.

Vicki Lane said...

So far, that's my experience